Tiffany Smiley

Never forget to take care of yourself. It is like the oxygen masks on airplanes: put your mask on first, then assist others.

How has your life changed since you became a caregiver?

I quit my job and dedicated myself to getting Scotty back on his feet. In an instant, I became the sole driver for everything, which was a big adjustment.

What are the most significant lessons you have learned from being a caregiver?

I have learned patience and the value of loving myself and taking care of myself.

What advice would you offer to other military and veteran caregivers?

Never forget to take care of yourself. It is like the oxygen masks on airplanes: put your mask on first, then assist others. I had to learn this the hard way, but if others could truly grasp this concept it will help ensure a joyful abundant life for all caregivers.

My Story

Born and raised in Pasco, Washington, Tiffany attended Whitworth University and received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2004. While working as an urgent care nurse, Tiffany received a horrific phone call informing her that her husband was very severely injured while serving as an Infantry Platoon Leader in Iraq. She took a break from working as a nurse and dedicated herself to getting Scotty back on his feet. Since her husband's injury, Tiffany has helped him become the first blind Active Duty Officer in the Military, prior to his retirement.  

Together, Tiffany and Scotty founded Hope Unseen, LLC. In an effort to help and assist women, she has appeared on Fox News, CBS, CNN, the Katie Couric show, and multiple radio and in newspaper articles. She has also traveled across America speaking to various churches and corporations. Tiffany's passion is to encourage women through her writing, speaking engagements, and life as wife, mother, nurse, and entrepreneur. She enjoys spending time with all her boys. They have lived all over the United States and reside in Spokane, Washington.