Life Adventure Center offers FREE Military Teen Adventure Camps specifically designed to rebuild the relationship between service members and their teenage children after the challenges of deployment.
Funded through a grant with the DOD, participants choose between wilderness survival, canoeing, climbing and other high adventure themes – guided by highly trained and certified professionals. More information and registration for these camps can be found at LAC also offers FREE, 5-day, residential PTSD recovery programs for veterans that combine challenge course, equine assisted psychotherapy and other experiential education elements with meditation and psycho-educational sessions to achieve break-through impact. Interested parties or referrals for recovery programs should call our program director Byron Marlowe at 859-873-3271.
Military Caregivers Program(s):
Type of Help
Type of Wound
Anxiety, Depression, Invisible Wound, Marital and Family Counseling, PTS/PTSD, Suicide, TBI, Visible Wound
Military Branches
Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, Non-Military/Civilian, Reserves
Participation Fees
Education and Training
Education and Training
Type of Caregiver
Caregiving Children, Caregiving Parents, Caregiving Partners, Caregiving Siblings, Caregiving Spouses, Children/families, Family/Dependents, Men, Women, Wounded Active Duty Service Members, Wounded Veterans
Era of Service