Helen Ross McNabb Center’s Military Services program is designed to provide evidence-based care to individuals facing PTSD, depression, anxiety, co-occurring disorders, thoughts of suicide and other invisible wounds incurred from service.
The Center’s military services are available to anyone who has served in the military, their family or caregiving unit and more than 10 percent of the individuals served through the Military Services program self-identify as a military caregiver. These individuals have unique needs as they provide care to someone who bravely served their country. As the number of active and veteran service members seeking service grows, we expect the number of military caregivers in needs of service to grow too. Helen Ross McNabb Center believes it is especially important to provide access to resources and support these individuals in continuing healthy and purposeful living.
Military Caregiving Program(s):
Type of Help
Type of Wound
Anxiety, Depression, Invisible Wound, PTS/PTSD, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide, TBI
Military Branches
Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, Reserves
Participation Fees
Employment and Workplace
Employment Training, Entrepreneurship Training, Job Training, Jobs/Placement
Employment and Workplace
Employment Training, Entrepreneurship Training, Job Training, Jobs/Placement
Type of Caregiver
Era of Service