Catch A Lift Fund enables post 9/11 combat wounded veterans to regain and maintain their physical and mental health by providing granted gym memberships, fitness programs or in-home gym equipment, anywhere in the United States.
Gym memberships extend to the veteran’s certified caregivers if a veteran is rated at 70% or more by the VA for combat related injuries and requires the assistance of their caregiver.
Type of Help
Type of Wound
Amputation, Anxiety, Chronic Condition(s), Depression, Epilepsy, Hearing/Vision Problems, Invisible Wound, Memory Loss, Mobility-limiting Disability, Neurological Condition(s), Paralysis, PTS/PTSD, Seizures, Service-Connected Illness, Suicide, TBI, Visible Wound
Military Branches
Participation Fees
Respite and Recreation
Respite and Recreation
Type of Caregiver
Caregiving Children, Caregiving Friends/Neighbors, Caregiving Parents, Caregiving Partners, Caregiving Spouses, Military Caregivers, Wounded Veterans
Era of Service