Jordyn Hatfield

Even with the bad, I’ve grown into the good.

What do you think is the biggest misconception civilians have about your situation?

People pity me and they feel bad for me. They try to put me in the position of victim. We’re not victims, we are products of our circumstances and we fight to make it better every day. It is my choice to stay with my husband and help him. Don’t say, “sorry,” say, “thank you.”

What do you think is the biggest misconception the military community has about your situation?

Some of the spouses of active duty military members don’t quite get where we are in life. It is hard to always explain why I can’t work outside the home, and that even though I do receive a stipend, if I had the ability to work outside the home, I’d be earning far more money.

How has being a military caregiver changed you?

My whole view on the world is different. I try to stay as hyper-vigilant and organized as I can. It’s made me a stronger individual. I’ve become a more hardened individual, both good and bad. I’ve seen things I never wanted to see, I’ve been through things I wouldn’t wish on anyone else, but by God’s grace, I was given the ability to stay calm.

My Story

Jordyn has embraced caregiving her whole life — first as a young girl caring for her mother, and now as a young wife caring for her disabled husband, KC. They have confronted many obstacles and came through together. KC was on six combat deployments, which caused life changing injuries and indelible memories. Together, they work daily to overcome them with the hope that one day KC can return to the life he once knew.

As a Dole Fellow, Jordyn uses her experiences to help others and champion military caregivers.